MARKET STATS Q2 [ April - June] 2024

712 -4.6%

Total Sales vs Q2 2023

1588 +38.0%

New Listings vs Q2 2023

767 +37.0%

Total Listings vs June 2023

209 +3.5%

Total Sales vs Q2 2023

757 +21.3%

New Listings vs Q2 2023

688 +15.8%

Total Listings vs June 2023

Q2 [APRIL - JUNE] 2024

July 3, 2024

In June, sellers were more active than buyers despite the Bank of Canada lowering rates. Consequently, inventory has started to accumulate to pre-pandemic levels, with double-digit year-over-year increases in both North and West Vancouver.

Overall, we describe the market as ‘inconsistent.’ While sought-after and well-priced homes are selling, many others are taking longer to sell and requiring price adjustments to attract buyers. This is common in a balancing market and is likely being accentuated by seasonal trends, as summer is typically less active.

It has been suggested that we could see another rate change in July. Although this may encourage some buyers to enter the market, we typically observe more urgency when rates are rising rather than falling. Therefore, if the next rate change is modest, we don’t anticipate it having a significant impact on market activity. Instead, if inventory continues to outpace demand, sales may further soften.

In North Vancouver there were 712 sales for the second quarter (Q2), down 4.6 per cent from Q2 2023, while new listings were up 38.0 per cent. 

In June, total reported sales were down 11.0 per cent from 2023, and were 18.2 per cent below the 10-year June average.

New listings were up 17.3 per cent from June 2023, with total listings up 37.0 per cent from the same time, ending the month at 767 homes for sale – 5.5 per cent above the 10-year June average.

For all property types, the June 2024 sales-to-active listing ratio was 28.4 per cent.

By property type, the June ratios were: 24.0 per cent for detached houses, 31.9 per cent for townhomes, and 31.0 per cent for  apartments.

By price range, the June ratios were:

< $750,000:        52.9 per cent
$750k to $1M: 31.5 per cent
$1M - $1.5M: 23.0 per cent
$1.5M - $2M: 26.0 per cent
$2M - $2.5M: 26.0 per cent
$2.5M - $3M:   20.6 per cent
> $3M:  19.2 per cent


In West Vancouver there were 209 sales in Q2, up 3.5 per cent from Q2 2023, while new listings were up 15.8 per cent. 

In June, total reported sales were up 32.1 per cent from June 2023 and just 3.1 per cent below the 10-year June average.

New listings were down 0.5 per cent from 2023, with total listings were up 15.8 per cent from the same time, ending the month at 688 homes for sale – 5.3 per cent above the 10-year June average.

For all property types, the June 2024 sales-to-active listing ratio was 10.7 per cent.

By property type, the June ratios were: 8.3 per cent for detached houses, 12.5 per cent for townhomes, and 18.8 per cent for apartments.

By price range, the June ratios were:

< $1M:          45.0 per cent
$1M - $2M:       19.7 per cent
$2M - $3M: 13.3 per cent
$3M - $4M: 4.6 per cent
$4M-$5M: 5.3 per cent
$5M-$6M:   8.6 per cent
>$6M 3.0 per cent



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North Vancouver Sales >>    |    West Vancouver Sales >>

As always, if you have any questions about the North Shore real estate market, or if we can assist you with a purchase or sale we'd be pleased to hear from you.  We can be reached at 604.983.2518, via the form on this page, or at our office 110 East 1st Street, North Vancouver.

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Past Listing & Sales STATS | June 2024

North Vancouver 

  June - 24       June - 23    % Chg
New Listings 455 388 + 17.3
Total Listings 767 560 + 37.0
Sales 218 245 - 11.0
Sales/Listings Ratio   28.4% 44% -  35.2
SP/Original LP 98.4% 100% - 1.6
Days on Market 10 8 + 25.0
Median Sale Price      
      Condo  $730,000 $789,900 - 7.6
      Townhome   $1,415,000 $1,365,500 + 3.6
      House   $2,437,500  $2,200,000  + 10.8


West Vancouver 

  June - 24        June - 23        % Chg
New Listings 213 214 - 0.5
Total Listings 688 594 + 15.8
Sales 74 56 + 32.1
Sales/Listings Ratio   10.8% 9.4% + 14.9
SP/Original LP 96.0% 96.7% - 0.7
Days on Market 19 18 + 5.6
Median Sale Price      
      Condo  $940,000 $987,000 - 4.8
      Townhome   -- ** -- ** n/a
      House   $2,875,000    $3,440,000   - 16.4


Note: Median sale prices not reported when there are less than 20 sales [**West Van Townhome sales:June 2024: 3 - June 2023: 6]